Tag: Strategic Information and Research Development Centre SIRD

  • #BacaMerdeka: Batu Bersurat Terengganu Menurut Prof Ahmat Adam

    Batu Bersurat Terengganu: Betulkah Apa yang Dibaca Selama Ini?
    Ahmat Adam
    Strategic Information and Research Development Centre SIRD

    Prof Ahmat Adam mungkin dikenang oleh khalayak peminat sejarah dan sejarawan untuk dua perkara. Pertama, pandangan beliau mengenai Hang Tu-Ha dan seterusnya perbezaan pandangan beliau mengenai tarikh dalam Batu Bersurat Terengganu dengan pandangan Prof. Syed Naquib Al-Attas. Kebetulan ketika polemik-polemik ini mulai tumbuh sewaktu beliau menjadi Karyawan Tamu Jabatan Sejarah UM, saya mengikuti pembentangan beliau seputar polemik tersebut dan perbahasan akademik yang ditimbulkan oleh rakan sejawat beliau.

    Prof bersama buku edisi bahasa Melayu dan Inggeris di PBAKL 2017. (Sumber Foto:Twitter)

    Walaupun demikian, tulisan ini tidak menolak wujudnya bukti-bukti kedatangan awal Islam di Asia Tenggara lebih awal daripada zaman Melaka. Selain daripada batu bersurat ini, turut dinyatakan bukti-bukti lain seperti kubur di Campa (431H/1039M), Gresik (475H/1082H) serta Aceh (398H/1007M). Yang dipermasalahkan beliau ialah andaian bahawa batu bersurat ini ditulis sepenuhnya dalam bahasa Melayu tanpa adanya kemungkinan pengaruh Jawa dalam pemahatannya.


  • Some Thoughts on Reading Anthony Milner’s Kerajaan

    Kerajaan: Malay Political Culture on the Eve of Colonial Rule Book Cover Kerajaan: Malay Political Culture on the Eve of Colonial Rule
    Anthony Milner
    Strategic Information and Research Development Centre SIRD

    This is a guest post written by one of my friend, Kaif who also attended the book launching at GerakBudaya with slight editing for reading purpose.

    The only force that brought me to the book launch for Prof. Milner’s second edition of Kerajaan nearly three weeks ago was sheer curiosity. And as always, it didn’t disappoint: the panel discussion which included the author himself was absolutely eye-opening, at least to a complete neophyte of Malaysian politics, history and anthropology.

    Two weeks and a little more later, I’ve finally finished it and cannot recommend it enough to anyone (Malay or otherwise) even remotely interested in the questions of nation-building and unity in Malaysia. Why? Because, to our advantage or not, we are not building a nation in vacuo, and thus to make headway sustainably beyond the superficial level of economy and government, we first need to really understand the cultural and psychological matrix in which we are all embedded. This then implies, at least to my mind, learning about the history of our worldviews and mentalities, and how they might have turned out as they are now.

    Anyway, reading it has been no less than a journey of self-discovery. I think I have understood myself a lot better both as a (half) Malay as well as a rakyat under a uniquely Malay royal umbrella. The following then is a short summary as well as a collection of some highlights of ideas, some the author’s and others my own, gleaned from this little journey, and I hope that they will be of some use to the reader, if only to whet his or her appetite to get hold of a copy (Christmas is around the corner?) and enjoy it as much as I have.

    Before going further, I’d just like to point out that it is quite dangerous to read too much into such works as history, which are themselves ultimately speculative, and that I’ve had my own share of qualms and apprehensions. Nevertheless, seeing that they are most probably either too naïve, too uninformed or just plain wrong, I won’t bore you with them here.

    First, a short summary to orientate those who have yet to read it. It has been noted before by scholars such as Clifford Geertz that the Malay political culture is disproportionately preoccupied with the formal and the ceremonial, hence his coining of the appellation ‘theatre state’. And even without such works, it is not difficult to observe this in today’s Malaysia where the king appears to be nothing more than a ceremonial puppet conferring too many titles that make our preprandial speeches too long.

  • Gajah Melawan Gajah

    Raja-raja Melayu Book Cover Raja-raja Melayu
    Syed Husin Ali

    History of Kings and rulers also politics and governance in Malaysia.

    Masyarakat Melayu kaya dengan pantang-larang, sesuatu yang dikongsi oleh bangsa-bangsa Asia lain seperti yang wujud dalam masyarakat Cina dan India juga. Pantang-larang ada kalanya boleh difahami tujuannya, tetapi sering terjadi ia diterima tanpa banyak soal oleh masyarakat.

    Penerimaan begini mengekang perbincangan dan analisis lanjut sesuatu kebiasaan masyarakat, walaupun ia sangat berguna dari sudut pandangan ilmiah. Justeru para penulis dan penganalisis akan lebih berhati-hati dalam memperkatakannya.

    Salah satu yang penting untuk dikaji dan difahami oleh bangsa Malaysia ialah institusi raja; nilai-nilai yang dibawa dan peranan yang dimainkan oleh institusi ini. Baik pemakai kaca mata akademik apatah lagi pemain politik, komentar terhadap institusi ini boleh dianggap ‘kerja membunuh diri’.

    Kebanyakan penulis, termasuk Dr. Syed Husin Ali dalam buku Raja-raja Melayu, Kemajuan atau Kemunduran? bermula dengan pendirian tidak mempersoalkan kewujudan institusi ini dalam bangsa Malaysia, mungkin disebabkan ianya diterima sebagai sebahagian perkembangan sejarah tanah air ini.
