Author: Xuelin Yeong

  • Adam Becker’s “What is Real?: The Unfinished Quest for the Meaning of Quantum Physics”

    Is quantum mechanics complete? Perhaps not. Adam Becker’s “What is Real?” makes a case for alternative theories to counter the hegemony of the Copenhagen Interpretation. The world described by quantum mechanics is a strange one. To fully appreciate its strangeness, picture this in your mind: Imagine a ball rolling down a track at a speed of…

  • Louisa May Alcott’s Blood And Thunder Tales

    Written by Xuelin Yeong Louisa May Alcott, author of Little Women, is famous for her ‘sentimental’ stories, or what she calls ‘moral pap’ for the younger readers. Most of her stories are preachy; that is, they talk about various virtues, the goodness of simplicity, modesty, frugality—well, you get the idea. “Rose in Bloom” features a rich…

  • When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit

    Written by Xuelin Yeong Following my previous book review ‘Last Night I Dreamed of Peace’, here’s a pre-war story, one more suitable for children—‘When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit.’ The author of the book, Judith Kerr, wrote it based on her own childhood experiences. It’s considered a semi-autobiographical novel, although some parts are purely fictional. Anna, a Jewish…

  • Last Night I Dreamt of Peace

    Written by Xueling Yeong Peace. In some countries, it is an ever-present entity, sometimes taken for granted. In other countries, it is something that can only be dreamt of. Last Night I Dreamed of Peace is a heart-warming, touching story of a young doctor serving in the Vietnam War. Known as the Vietnamese version of Anne…

  • My Review on ‘Jo’s Boys’

    Written by Xuelin Yeong Considering the fact that one of Fakhruddin’s previous post was about technology versus books, I guess I will start my post from that point. Well, I am technically more of a bookworm than a techno geek. But technology turned out to be a help rather than a hindrance in my hobby. Having acquired…